About Us

CNC Mission Statement, Values and Beliefs

At CNC, our purpose is to provide high quality care and support through the provision of person-centred care and support packages within our Supported Living and Outreach Services. Our aim is to enable, assist and support our clients to live a rewarding life within the community and we pride ourselves in our approach to multi-agency collaboration. CNC focus on independence, re-ablement, choice, privacy, dignity and respect. We aim to:

Provide high quality flexible, personalised services with an outcome-based approach, giving our clients real choice and control.

Ensure that the support is provided based on a thorough agreed assessment of each individual’s flexible perceived goals and outcomes.

Work in partnership with clients’ families, and other members of the multidisciplinary, health professional teams.

Provide statutory and service-led training and supervision to enable staff to competently perform their duties.

Foster a participative working environment in which staff can set individual goals, therein encouraging responsibility and accountability.

Provide support chosen by the preferences of the client, regardless of race, gender or sexuality.

Place the rights of those in our care at the forefront of our philosophy of care and support.

Embrace and encourage feedback from our clients in order to ensure the service provided is of the highest quality.

Provide training, supervision and mentorship to enhance and expand the career opportunities of our staff, using a clear and accessible leadership framework.

Promote a community pride with reference to understanding and supporting those with disabilities and complex needs.

CNC News

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